I was thinking about death, those whom I've lost and how that changes my life. It's more than just the intense longing for their presence, that is just painful, it's the loss of my past and my future that is so difficult to deal with. I miss my son, I miss my step-brother, I miss my step-father, I miss my father. I miss their presence in my life. I miss their contribution to my life and all the things they brought to the feast. It was their personalities, their lives, their contributions, their love, their compassionate and giving natures that made me who I was, without them I am simply not the same person...and now they are all gone. That makes me wonder who I am. Frankly, I'm just not sure anymore.
Rule your mind or it will rule you." — Horace What a powerful thought when applied to grieving. It made me think... When grieving, one must rule their mind, or grief will rule. Grief is sadistic and insidious. Grief cares not for the heart. Grief is selfish. Grief smothers your breath, steals your joy, eclipses your soul. Grief is powerful. Grief will hijack your thoughts and take you down a treacherous path of haunting memories and lost dreams. Grief is a part of you, never separated, never disentangled. Grief must be trained and controlled. Grief must be guided, cultivated, refined, embraced, loved, accepted, respected, & held. mwlambeth © 2021
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